
We run

and we care

The Human Safety Net & SOS Kinderdorf e.V.


Promote the innate urge for movement in early childhood and thereby lay the foundation for a healthy and self-determined life. With the initiative The Human Safety Net (THSN), GENERALI has been committed to socially disadvantaged children for many years. Through sports in early childhood, children achieve social participation and can sustainably develop their motor skills. THSN supports the Mini-Marathon, hence the registration fee is very low. The initiative also supports various other social projects in many countries, and in Germany, THSN collaborates closely with SOS Kinderdorf e.V.

Run yourself fit! (Lauf dich fit!)

Bavarian Athetics Association (Bayerischer Leichtathletik Verband e.V.)

One of the first collaborations is the project “Lauf-Dich-fit” of the Bavarian Athletics Association (Bayerischer Leichtathletik Verbandes e.V.). The goal is to motivate children and teenagers from grades 1 to 10 to run and thus inspire them for physical activity and sports. Movement is especially important in childhood so that all muscles, joints, and bones can develop properly and grow well. Since the start of the project, almost 300,000 children have registered and discovered the joy of running for themselves.

The environmental aspect

of the GMM 2024

Sustainability is like a run – you gradually get closer to the goal, and you definitely have to keep at it. The GMM 2024 aims to make a statement for our environment, for more mindfulness, and a greater awareness of consumption. Everyone must start with themselves, and that’s why this year we are addressing many aspects of our event and have managed to make some aspects of the GMM sustainable. This year, every runner will refresh themselves at the finish line not from a disposable cup, but from reusable cups that can be washed and reused hundreds of times. And even when single-use products cannot be avoided, we opt for recycled materials and renewable resources. Recycling cups at the stations, compostable rain ponchos, and goodie bags made from cotton – step by step, we are becoming more sustainable.

Our own challenge this year is to produce as little waste as possible at the GMM. Join us at the start and help us make the world a little better step by step.

Our Foundation

The non-profit MUNICH MARATHON Foundation

In Munich, people stick together – that’s why this city is so welcoming, and our marathon has been contributing to social projects in and around Munich every year since its inception.

In 2020, Gernot Weigl established the Non-Profit MUNICH MARATHON Foundation for precisely this purpose. It’s now just a few steps away from completion, but one thing has been clear from the start: Every cent dedicated to this foundation goes directly to benefit local aid organizations and support associations. This is our contribution to a sporty and fair Munich. For a city with heart.

Integrate constantly "Laufend integrieren"

  • Refugees in summer 2015

    In the summer of 2015, Munich became the first point of arrival for people fleeing war and poverty, with thousands arriving daily on special trains at Munich Central Station. A few weeks later, during the marathon weekend, they stood as helpers along the route. Some even dared to participate in the races themselves (marathon, half marathon, 10 KM). Together with the City of Munich’s Department of Social Services and various aid organizations, a program for the integration of refugees was launched.

    “Young refugees have always been in a situation where they had to accept help – now they could give something back,” commented Gernot Weigl on the enthusiasm with which refugees contributed to the organization. Together with members of Bavarian clubs, they manned refreshment stations along the route and took on organizational tasks in the Olympic Stadium. But refugees not only shaped the image of the MUNICH MARATHON as friendly helpers. In 2015 and 2016, a total of 76 refugees took advantage of the opportunity to participate. The program included targeted preparation, which was also open to all other interested individuals in the run-up to the marathon: “Running for integration.”

  • Donation of 30,000 euros through wristbands "Running for Integration"

    Wristbands with this motto were offered at the Marathon Expo in the Olympic Hall and in the online shop – from the proceeds and sponsorship funds, 30,000 euros were donated to support refugees to the Social Services Department of the City of Munich.

  • Social Award 2017

    “Munich provides a great example of how running can help address the major humanitarian challenges of our time,” says Paco Borao, President of the Association of International Marathons and Distance Races (AIMS), which represents over 400 race organizers worldwide.

    In previous years, the Tokyo Marathon and the “Great Ethiopian Run” received the Social Award. “We have gained new friends and received moving reactions from the people of Munich,” explains Gernot Weigl, Race Director of the MUNICH MARATHON. Munich will, of course, continue the “Laufend integrieren” project. “We will even expand it,” announces Gernot Weigl. “Inclusion will be a major theme for 2017. We aim to promote the integration of people with disabilities in the MUNICH MARATHON in the future.”

    For this commitment, the MUNICH MARATHON was honored with the “Social Award 2017” by the Association of International Marathons and Distance Races (AIMS) at their World Congress.

  • Engagement of the state capital

    The Munich Marathon GmbH was honored with the Engagement Award of the City of Munich in 2018 for its contributions to the social sector.

  • The support continues

    With the support of Munich Airport, refugees as well as people with physical disabilities were able to participate in and actively contribute to the organization of the GMM 2018. The cooperation project for 2018 was chosen as ‘RheumaKids in Motion’ by the German Children’s Rheumatism Foundation.

  • A donation of 17,000 euros was made to "buntkicktgut".

    Following the great success of the Kick’n’Run project in 2017, a donation check of 17,000 euros was presented to the initiative “buntkicktgut”. This project has impressively demonstrated that football and running are closely linked.

  • German Childhood Rheumatism Foundation

    In 2018, the proceeds from the sale of charity wristbands were donated in full to the German Childhood Rheumatism Foundation. With this support, a local farm project was funded, providing affected families and children with rheumatism a place for relaxation and respite from their challenging daily lives.

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